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    Learn How To Grow Your Instagram and The Artist Entrepreneur Club

    Last week I was interviewed by Gavriella Abekassis from Learn how to sell art online (@gavriella.sell.your.art.online) • Instagram photos and videos

    We talked about on HOW TO GROW YOUR INSTAGRAM as I have written a book about this topic. You can find my book HERE

    You can listen to the Interview HERE

    Let me introduce to you Gavriella and her amazing work:

    About why I created the Artist Entrepreneur Club:

    That’s me, behind the scenes of The Artist Entrepreneur Club!

    My mission is to give artists the marketing and sales training they are lacking, so they can make a living by selling art independently, without waiting for galleries to give them opportunities.

    I created the Artist Entrepreneur Club in May 2020, after having worked in galleries and assisted artists for 5 years.

    While in galleries, I worked in sales, marketing, artist liaison, museums and institutions liaison, shipping and packing artworks, putting exhibitions together, event and office management, art performance and installation research, accountancy as well as (too?) many other administrative tasks.

    While gaining experience in art galleries, I realized that most visitors in galleries, are artists who were trying to enter the community of art galleries, because they were told it’s the only way to sell.

    I am what we could call “self-taught” in online marketing and sales. Truth is, I’ve learned directly from several six and seven figure business owners.

    I’ve always loved both Art and entrepreneurship. The Artist Entrepreneur Club was the perfect way for me to combine both fields, which I now understand, have so many points in common.

    I have now helped more than 95 artists grow their online marketing and sales, as I know what are the important points an artist entrepreneur should nail if they want to grow their business consistently.

    Want to learn more about my advice and experience? You can find me and write to me every day in the Artist Entrepreneur Club!

    About what the Artist Entrepreneur Club is:

    Joining the Artist Entrepreneur Club means enjoying many features – and more to come, so you can find the right format for you to learn how to sell art more efficiently, and implement the training:

    Every month we work on a different business theme, organized in three to four weekly challenges, so you can implement the training in your business instantly and grow your business alongside the teaching in the club.

    We also welcome a business guest speaker every week who can teach to us and share their expertise with us.

     All of these sessions are happening live on zoom, and if you cannot attend the recordings are always available in our slack group, where our community lives!

    Talking about community, the Artist Entrepreneur Club also is a dynamic community of artists to whom you can ask every question, even the ones that are taboos in the visual art industry, and exchange with about your experiences as an artist selling art online. And yes, we do use the word money often in the club!

    Finally, at the end of each month, we review your progress in the Artist Entrepreneur Club. During our monthly review session, we will discuss how the previous month went for you, the progress you made, and your plans for the following month.

    Gavriella Abekassis
    The Artist Entrepreneur Club

    Email: ootcube@gmail.com Artist Entrepreneur Club: https://artistentrepreneur.club/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gavriella.sell.your.art.online/

    Please do check out all links above and Gavriella amazing work. What she is doing for Art and Artists is exceptional and much needed.

    Much Love.

    Cris Santos

    Please find more interviews HERE

    Disclaimer: Collaboration