Closet Detox and Outfit Styling

Closet Detox and Outfit Styling

Welcome to Your Closet Detox Page!

Time: Minimum 2 hours

Full closet and feeling you have nothing to wear?

We are here to help!

What to expect:

1. We will go through your wardrobe and show you which colours and styles you are best suited to you.

2. We will identify clothes that need to go, clothes that should stay and clothes that need to be repaired. 3. You will learn how to best dress for your body shape, lifestyle and personality.

4. Your wardrobe will be de-cluttered and ultimately you will be left with the best colours, shapes and styles which work for you.

5. You will be given tips, showing you how to accentuate your best features.

6. You will learn how to put together new outfits with clothes in your wardrobe that you already own.

7. You will be advised on what items are missing from your wardrobe, if it is the case.

8. You will receive information on where to buy the missing items so you can look for them when shopping either on a personal shopping day, online and or alone.


Price: $200

Services are for 2h only for every extra hour a fee of $100 per hour applies.